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Spotlight on Bryce Harlow Fellow Jackie Beckwith

Jackie is the Manager of Advocacy and Government Relations at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) and she is also studying for a master’s degree in Political Management at the George Washington University.

Originally from Alexandria, Virginia, Jackie interned on Capitol Hill and for C-SPAN as she developed a deep interest in American government and democracy. She enjoyed learning different aspects of what a politician interacts with on a regular basis, and hopes to return to the Hill one day as a Congresswoman.

That’s one reason she’s working on earning a master’s degree in political management, so she can learn the skills needed to run a successful campaign and serve in elected office. It also helps hone skills she uses every day as a lobbyist for AUVSI. In the 2020 elections, she served as the Chief Elections Officer for Fairfax County in Virginia, overseeing a team of 25 elections officers who worked to ensure the integrity of in-person voting.

On being named a Bryce Harlow Fellow, Jackie said, “Being selected as a Bryce Harlow Fellow bolsters my sense of professional integrity. The Foundation sends a message to the world that lobbyists are honest, working hard, and truthful. I’m proud to be part of this group.”

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