About the Foundation

In 1981, the friends and colleagues of Bryce Harlow arranged a recognition dinner to acknowledge his special contributions to government service and his talent for building a spirited partnership between government and business. The Bryce Harlow Foundation was established the following year to ensure that his legacy would be remembered by future generations. In that tradition, each spring the Foundation hosts its annual Awards Dinner, a celebration within the lobbying community in Washington, D.C. At the event the prestigious Bryce Harlow Award and the Business-Government Relations Award are presented to those who best exemplify the example set by Bryce Harlow. The proceeds from each dinner help fund our fellowships and educational programs.
The Bryce Harlow Foundation offers fellowships, mentoring and networking opportunities to rising stars in the lobbying, government relations and related fields. Our 25-member Board of Governors, honorees, fellows and alumni strive to exemplify the important role of lobbying ethically in the creation of sound public policy. To quote the late Bryce Harlow: “Those who are effective and principled advocates of the interests of their companies and of the business community as a whole help government arrive at better informed and, therefore, potentially better decisions.”