Alumni Advisory Board

The BHF Fellowship Alumni Advisory Board was created in 2016 to help engage and connect the more than 450 people who have received the Bryce Harlow Foundation fellowship since the program’s inception. The advisory board’s activities include hosting peer networking events, strengthening university outreach to increase fellowship applications, and starting a “mid-career” mentorship program for current fellows.  Members of the advisory board each serve up to two 3-year terms are listed below.  As President of the Foundation, Barbara Faculjak is also an active participant on the advisory board.

  • Hanna Abou-El-Seoud
    Georgetown University
    Fellowship: 20162017
  • Jesse Barba
    George Washington University
    Fellowship: 20152016
  • Andrew Emerson
    Holland & Kinght LLP
    George Washington University
    Fellowship: 20112012
  • Brandon Farris
    National Association of Manufacturers
    George Washington University
    Fellowship: 20062007
  • Christian Ficara
    Cresco Labs
    Georgetown University
    Fellowship: 20162017
  • Darien Flowers
    Squire Patton Boggs
    George Mason University
    Fellowship: 2020
  • Joe Franco
    The Washington Campus
    George Washington University
    Fellowship: 20082009
  • Elliot Friedman
    American Federation of Government Employees
    George Washington University
    Fellowship: 201120122013
  • Alexandria Icenhower
    Johns Hopkins University
    Fellowship: 20152016
  • Katie Kachel
    Blank Rome Government Relations LLC
    Johns Hopkins University
    Fellowship: 20072008
  • Clara Keane
    Healthcare Leadership Council
    George Mason University
    Fellowship: 20212022
  • Blake Major
    The Hartford
    Johns Hopkins University
    Fellowship: 20192020
  • Caitlin McHale
    National Mining Association
    George Mason University
    Fellowship: 2015
  • Eric Morrissette
    U.S. Department of Commerce
    Johns Hopkins University
    Fellowship: 2015
  • Marissa Serafino
    Holland & Knight LLP
    George Washington University
    Fellowship: 20162017
  • Christopher Treanor
    Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
    Catholic University of America
    Fellowship: 20082010
  • Meredith White
    Georgetown University
    Fellowship: 20162017

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