Class of 2024-25

Rachel Abraham
George Washington University
Rachel is a Government Relations Manager at HIMSS (Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society). She is also working toward an Master’s degree in Public Administration from the George Washington University.

Mark Borges
University of Southern California
Mark is a Senior Account Executive for Lucas Public Affairs. He is also studying Public Administration and seeking a Master’s degree from the University of Southern California.

Derek Campbell
Georgetown University
Derek is the Federal Director for the State of Wisconsin and pursuing a Master’s degree in Policy Management at Georgetown University.

Theo Daniels
Georgetown University
Theo is the Associate Director of Policy and Programs for the Rachel Carson Council. He is also working toward a Master’s of Science degree in Metrology and Policy from Georgetown University.

Ferdous Dehqan
Georgetown University
Ferdous works at Wise Capital Strategy as a Policy Analyst. He is also working toward a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University.

Nabin Dhimal
Georgetown University
Nabin works as a Program Manager for Lutheran Community Services Northwest, is pursuing a Master’s degree in International Migration and Refugees at Georgetown University.

Patrick Fox
American University
Patrick serves as an Education Policy Advisor for the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions. He is also working toward a Juris Doctor (law) degree at the American University.

Arsene Frederic
Howard University
Arsene is a Program Associate at Arabella Advisors in their Advocacy group. He is also working toward a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies at Howard University.

Zachary Freiman
Georgetown University
Zachary works as a Senior Legislative Assistant for U.S. Congresswoman Yassamin Ansari and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Security Studies at Georgetown University.

Rachael Goldenberg
University of Virginia
Rachael is the Chief of Staff for U.S. Congressman Josh Harder, and working toward an MBA at the University of Virginia – Darden School of Business.

Julia Grady
Georgetown University
Julia is the Senior Legislative Affairs Associate for America’s Essential Hospitals. She is also pursuing an MBA at Georgetown University.

Christina Ingram
American University
Christina is the Senior Manager with Breakthrough T1D. She is also pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the American University.

Mina Kato
Northwestern University
Mina is the

Mary Katherine Kirlin
American University
MK is the Legislative Affairs Manager at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)

Ajay Lucas
University of Southern California
Ajay works as the

Samantha Luce
Loyola University Chicago
Samantha serves as the District Director of Violence Prevention and Response for the City Colleges of Chicago. She is also pursuing a Juris Doctor (law) degree from the Loyola University of Chicago.

Matthew Mariani
George Washington University
Matthew is a Director of Federal Advocacy at the American Academy of Pediatrics. He is also pursuing a Juris Doctor (law) degree from the George Washington University.

Alexandra Melillo
George Washington University
Alexandra is an Associate Vice President with The Asia Group. She is also working toward a Master’s degree in International Public Policy (MIPP) from the George Washington University.

Sarah Sapirstein
Georgetown University
Sarah works as an Executive Vice President at ENS Resources Inc.. She is also working toward a Master’s degree in Policy Management at Georgetown University.

Nomi Small
George Washington University
Nomi is a Network and Events Coordinator for the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). She is also working toward a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the George Washington University.

Tony Watlington Jr.
George Washington University
Tony is the Director of Government Affairs for the Farm Credit Council and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Administration from George Washington University.

Annie Webb
George Mason University
Anne is the Associate Vice President of Government Relations at Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. She is also studying Business and working toward an MBA from George Mason University.

Wei Li Werner
Johns Hopkins University
Wei Li is a Legislative Assistant for U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, and is working toward a Master’s degree in Government from Johns Hopkins University.

Adrianna Williams
Georgetown University
Adrianna is a Public Affairs Advisor with Holland & Knight LLP, and is working toward a Master’s of Arts degree in Public Policy from Georgetown University.

Keegan Zimprich
Georgetown University
Keegan is a
for U.S. Bank and is working toward an MBA from Georgetown University.