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Spotlight on Bryce Harlow Fellow Brian Callahan

Brian grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and attended San Francisco State University, where he majored in Political Science. Still a student during the 2008 election, Brian volunteered for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, which galvanized his interest in politics – and he knew he wanted a career in the industry.

After college Brian got an internship in the office of Congresswoman Jackie Speier, and then at the American Federation of Teachers. Brian then took a job working for The Global Campaign for Education. Initially brought on as a campaign associate, he eventually took on the role of policy and advocacy director, working for several years on the READ Act, which was signed into law last year.

Brian is enrolled at George Washington University, where he is pursuing a degree in Political Management. Brian is proud to be a Bryce Harlow fellow, and is an admirer of Mr. Harlow’s legacy. “ He was a great spokesman for the power of advocacy, and marshaling resources for the public good,” Brian said.

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