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Spotlight on Bryce Harlow Fellow Nick Armstrong

Nick Armstrong grew up in Michigan and came to Washington, D.C. to attend American University for his undergraduate degree. He studied political science at AU, and it was during these years his love of government and politics expanded from an interest into a career.

Today he works as the Manager of Advocacy and Government Affairs for The Aids Institute, where he lobbies on behalf of the organization before Congress and executive agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health Resources and Services Administration.  Nick works to build coalitions and find common ground among HIV groups to support and protect health care access for people living with HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and chronic diseases.

While he is working in Washington D.C., Nick is also earning a master’s degree in public health from the University of Michigan.  He hopes to deepen his public policy knowledge through his degree so he can continue advocating for people impacted by diseases.

Nick is also looking forward to learning more from the Bryce Harlow Foundation network. “The mentoring and peer connections the Foundation offers are so valuable,” Nick said. “I really appreciate the opportunity to meet other lobbyists focused on advocacy with integrity.”

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