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Spotlight on Bryce Harlow Foundation Fellow Caroline Goncalves Jones

The month’s featured Fellow Caroline Goncalves Jones makes fairness and integrity a priority in her work as she helps lawmakers navigate complex policy issues. “There are two sides to every story – no matter what,” said Caroline. “In order for me to do my job well, I have to share more than just one perspective on an issue.”

After graduating from American University Caroline joined the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids as a Program Associate. As she worked to help pass comprehensive tobacco control legislation, she realized she wanted to build a career shaping health policy.

Caroline currently serves as Associate Director of Federal Advocacy at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). In this role, she represents over 173,000 members in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology, and leads the organization’s grassroots advocacy efforts. She is also pursuing a Master’s in Public Policy from American University.

Caroline is a living testament to the Bryce Harlow Foundation “way” and we are proud to support her professional development.

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